Friday, July 27, 2007

What's good for the city was __________

Although BOTC was fearing a disastrous event, MOCA's "What's good for the city is ____" event was quite interesting, varied, funny, and at times painful. Again, the idea for the event was for 20 people to finish the sentence "What's good for the city is _____" in 90 second responses. Here is a list of ideas / reflections that were offered last night.

What's good for the city (of Cleveland) is . . . .

. . . a Cuyahoga Urban Volcanic Archipelago Commission
. . . Nothing. The city is irrelevant in the age of the internet.
. . . Respect
. . . De-construction rather than destruction + demolition
. . . New Herbinism (230,000 acres of "funny weed" farming)
. . . the Irreplaceable (from the single house to the the skyscraper)
. . . non-architects
. . . Opinion
. . . Leadership Accountability from Political + Design Leadership
. . . Graffiti
. . . Pleasant Sidewalks
. . . Memory
. . . MTV's Real World
. . . Temporary Occupation of vacant developer-owned land
. . . Closed-door enlightened design policy creation
. . . Less Master Plans
. . . Global Warming
. . . the City working for Us

Look for MOCA to present streaming video of the event sometime in the future.

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